Finding a beach around Halifax, Nova Scotia that isn’t packed with people can be a challenge, especially if you’re looking for sand dunes and lots of space to work with
After discovering Conrads Beach in Lawrencetown, NS it quickly became my go-to! Just like any other beach in HRM it requires some planning so here are my tips and tricks
1. This isn’t the beach for you if you’re looking for that golden hour feel with the sun in the background giving off golden rays. The sand dunes are too tall to really see the sun once it starts to set
2. Parking is VERY limited!!! Be prepared to park on a narrow shoulder of the road and walk up to 1km to the entrance of the beach
3. Try timing your session with a date that sunset and low tide match up. This allows you to have the prettiest stretch of sandbars to use for your photos that are truly unmatched
4. The walk from the entrance of the beach to the actual beach will take you a few minutes. If your session is during the summer don’t show up without bug spray/repellant… trust me I learned the hard way.
On the right night, Conrads Beach is the best place to catch the sunset and capture memories that will last a lifetime. If you’re lucky you might even be rewarded with vibrant cotton candy skies like we were!